A small, slender shark with a moderately long and rounded snout. Origin of the first dorsal fin over the pectoral fins" free rear tips. First dorsal fin and pectoral fins are small. No interdorsal ridge.
Grey, greenish grey, sometimes yellowish grey or brown above with a dusky or black spot on the underside of the snout tip. Younger specimen possess a more prominent black spot. Black or dusky tips present on the second dorsal fin and dorsal caudal lobe.
Western Atlantic: North Carolina to Florida, Bahamas, Gulf of Mexico, Antilles, and Venezuela, southern Brazil.
Blacknose sharks are very common in coastal tropical and warm-temperate areas. Found mainly over continental and insular shelves, over sandy and coral bottom.
Feeds on small fishes.
Average size about 125 cm and 10 kg, maximum about 200 cm. Size at birth between 40 and 50 cm. Males mature between 95 and 105 cm, females mature between 100 and 105 cm.
Viviparous species, with a yolk-sac placenta. Litter size between 3 and 6. Blacknose sharks have a very fast growth rate and mature in about 2 years. Nursery grounds in shallow, coastal areas.
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The distinctive black or dusky spot on the underside of the snout tip makes them easy to distinguish from other grey sharks.
Category:Endangered (EN) Criteria:A2bd Last evaluated:2021 Trend:
Harmless to humans, although a possible threat display known as "hunching", where the back is arched and the head raised, has been seen in animals in captivity.
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