Small shark. Moderately long pointed snout. Fairly large eyes and very long gill slits. Origin of first dorsal fin over or only slightly behind to the insertions of the pectoral fins. No interdorsal ridge.
Dark grey or bluish grey above and white below with an inconspicuous white band on the flank. No conspicuous markings on fins.
Western Atlantic: New York to Florida. Cuba, Gulf of Mexico. Southern Brazil.
Not much is known about this species. Forms large schools.
Feeds on small fishes and cephalopods.
Average size about 150 cm, maximum up to 200 cm.
Viviparous, with a yolksac-placenta, 1 to 6 pups per litter. Size at birth between 50 and 60 cm. Pups show a fast growth rate. Males mature at about 140 cm, females mature at about 150 cm.
Similar Species
Some other small species have a similar appearance. Comparison of diagnostic features are necessary..
Category:Near Threatened (NT) Criteria:A2bd Last evaluated:2021 Trend: