Broad-headed shark, with six gill slits and subterminal mouth. Small, green fluorescent eyes. Only one dorsal fin. Its origin is over the free rear ends of the pelvic fins. Short caudal peduncle.
The dorsal surface is greyish-black or chocolate brown. Lighter marking along lateral lines. Ventral surface greyish-white. Fins with small white edges.
Wide-ranging. Western Atlantic: North Carolina to Florida, and northern Gulf of Mexico. Cuba, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Venezuela and southern Brazil. northern Argentina. Eastern Atlantic: Iceland, Norway to Senegal. Mediterranean. South Africa, Mozambique, Madagascar, Aldabra and Comores Islands. Western Pacific: Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Sumatra, Australia (Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania), New Zealand. Central Pacific: Hawaiian Islands, Palau. Eastern Pacific: Aleutian Islands to Baja California, Mexico and Chile.
This species lives preferably in deeper waters over the continental shelves and upper slopes, down to about 2000 m. Sluggish, but a strong swimmer, normally found close to the bottom but can ascend to the surface when feeding. Nocturnal, rests on bottom during daytime. Juveniles often found close inshore.
Fishes, sharks and rays.
Very large, average size about 350 cm to 400 cm, maximum total length about 480 cm and 720 kg.
Aplacental viviparous (ovoviviparous). Litter size between 22 and 108 pups. Size at birth between 65 cm and 70 cm. Sexual maturity seems to be reached with a size of about 400 cm.
Similar Species
but that species has a more pointed snout and is much smaller.
Category:Near Threatened (NT) Criteria:A2bd Last evaluated:2020 Trend: