Very slender, spindle-shaped body. Very large pectoral fins. Long and conical snout. Long gill slits. Large first dorsal fin, small (minute) second dorsal fin. Prominent keels on the peduncle with short secondary keels on the caudal base. Crescendic caudal fin.
Dark blue to blackish color on back, white ventral surface. Underside of head is dusky colored.
The distribution of this species is not completely known yet. Prefers oceanic and tropical waters. Western Atlantic: Northern parts of the U.S. to Florida. Bahamas, Cuba. Eastern Atlantic: Ghana, Cape Verde Islands (unknown in the Mediterranean). Western Indian Ocean: Madagascar. Central Pacific: Hawaiian Islands and Phoenix Islands.
A not well known species that was first described in 1996. Based on its slimmer body and the bigger pectoral fins it could be less active than its relative, the Shortfin Mako.
Feeds presumably on schooling fish and pelagic cephalopods.
Maximum reported length is 415 cm. Probably longer. Average size between 250 cm and 350 cm.
Aplacental viviparity (ovoviviparity), embryos feed on eggs (oophagous). 2 pups per litter. Size at birth between 90 cm and 95 cm. Birth takes places in open water and pups show a fast growth. Males and females seem to mature at a size of approximately 250 cm.
Similar Species
Shortfin Mako that lacks the long pectoral fins and has smaller eyes.
Category:Endangered (EN) Criteria:A2d Last evaluated:2019 Trend: