Very small hammerhead. Unique and very narrow, shovel-shaped head without an indentation on the anterior margin. Origin of first dorsal fin over the inner margins of the pectoral fins. Rear tip of the first dorsal fin ends in front of the pelvic fins.
Grey-brown, white ventral surface.
Western Atlantic: North Carolina to southern Brazil, Cuba and Bahamas, Gulf of Mexico. Eastern Pacific: southern California to Equador.
A well studied, abundant hammerhead species. Found close to shore and in shallow water down to about 25 m, maximum of about 80 m. Prefers sandy or muddy bottoms, canals and estuaries. Lives in small groups from 3 to about 15 animals, rarily solitary. Sexual segregation is known. A well studied hammerhead species.
Feeds preferably on crustaceans, shrimp, molluscs and small fishes.
Average size about 80 cm to 120 cm, maximum total length about 150 cm.
Viviparous, with yolksac-placenta. Litter size between 4 and 16 pups, most often between 8 to 12 pups. Size at birth between 35 cm to 40 cm. Males reach sexual maturity between 50 cm and 75 cm, females at 85 cm.
Similar Species
None. The shape of its head is unmistakable.
Category:Endangered (EN) Criteria:A2bcd Last evaluated:2021 Trend: