Small shark with very big eyes. Two dorsal fins with spines. Origin of first dorsal fin over the inner margins. Pectoral fins with rounded tips. No anal fin.
Blackish. White fin tips. Cloaca without luminous gland.
Only known in the Eastern Pacific off Peru and Chile.
A little-known species. Lives preferably in benthic and epibenthic regions,at depths of 100 m to 600 m.
Unknown, probably fishes.
Maximum size about 60 cm, average size about 40 cm to 50 cm.
Aplacental viviparous (ovoviviparous). Number of pups per litter is unknown, minimum 3 pups. Size at birth is between 13 cm and 14 cm. Males reach sexual maturity at 42 cm to 45 cm, females with 50 cm to 55 cm.
Similar Species
Some species look similar and taxonomic features have to be used to clearly distinguish between the similar species.
Category:Near Threatened (NT) Criteria:A2d Last evaluated:2020 Trend: