A stocky shark. Short, bluntly rounded snout. Origin of first dorsal fin over the free rear ends of pectoral fins. Second dorsal fin with a short rear tip and its origin is over or slightly anterior to the anal fin"s origin. Large narrow pectoral fins. Weakly developed interdorsal ridge.
Grey to brownish on the back, bronze colored on the sides, with white ventral surface. Underside of pectorals, pelvic fins, anal fin and ventral lobe of caudal fin are dusky colored.
Western Atlantic: South-east Florida, Bahamas, Caribbean to Brazil.
The most abundant reef shark in these waters. Prefers to live close to the bottom (bottom-dwelling) on the continental and insular shelves, down to at least 30 m. Caribbean reef sharks are often found near dropoffs on the outer reef edges. They often lay motionless in caverns. Despite the abundance its biology is poorly known.
Average size about 200 cm to 250 cm, maximum total length about 295 cm. Males reach sexual maturtity at about 150 cm to 170 cm, females at about 200 cm to 295 cm. Size at birth about 70 cm.
Viviparous, with yolksac-placenta (gives birth to live young). 4 to 6 pups per litter.