Small and stout shark, with a short snout and very elongated nasal flaps (hence its name). Two spiny dorsal fins. Lateral keels on the caudal peduncle, no anal fin.
Greyish-brown on back, light on ventral surface. Posterior white margins on dorsal fins and caudal fin.
Western Pacific: Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Torres Islands.
A little-known bottom-dwelling shark that lives preferably on the uppermost continental and insular slopes down to a depth of 600 m.
Unknown, however they seem to have a food base similar tothe dogfishes (Squalus). It is assumed their nasal barbels are used for sensory purposes, similar to sturgeons or catfishes that trail them over the bottom.
Maximum size about 120 cm, average size between 80 cm and 100 cm.
Egg laying sharks (oviparous). Up to 10 eggs per litter. Males reach sexual maturity at about 85 cm, females at about 95 cm.
Similar Species
Similar species are known and taxonomic features have to be used for proper identification.
Category:Least Concern (LC) Criteria: - Last evaluated:2020 Trend: