Somewhat "nurse shark"-like appearance. Very big, broad and flattened head with branched dermal lobes. Big and broad pectoral fins. Two nearly equal-sized dorsal fin with the origin of the first dorsal fin opposite the pelvic fin hindbases. Anal fin origin is well behind the second dorsal fin origin. Spiracles present.
Color pattern of narrow dark lines and spots on a light background.
Western Pacific: Northern Australia, Indonesia, New Guinea.
A little-known species of inshore waters. Based on its appearance it may be a sluggish swimmer.
Feeds on bottom invertebrates and fishes.
Probably not larger than 125 cm. A reported measurement of 366 cm is highly questionable.
Aplacental viviparous (ovoviviparous). Size at birth around 20 cm.
Similar Species
Similar to other wobbegong sharks but this species lacks barbels on the underside of its "chin" (underside of lower jaws).
Category:Least Concern (LC) Criteria: - Last evaluated:2024 Trend: