Small, round snout with two well developed barbels (hence its name). Eyes dorsolateral and above prominent subocular ridges, with nictitating membrane. Spiracles present.Two dorsal fins of equal size. Second dorsal fin is larger than anal fin. Origin of first dorsal fin behind the rear ends of pectoral fins.
Beige. Dark saddles, mainly in young and some adults.
Western Pacific: Australia.
A very active and common shark over the continental shelf. Lives close to bottom and prefers stony bottoms and kelp beds.
Small fishes, octopi, squid and crustaceans.
Average size between 120 cm and 140 cm. Maximum total length about 160 cm.
Aplacental viviparous (ovoviviparous). Litter size lies between 9 and 11 pups.
Similar Species
Some species have a similiar appearance and taxonomic features have to be used to properly identify species.
Category:Least Concern (LC) Criteria: - Last evaluated:2016 Trend: