Small, with an elongated and bulbous snout. Gill openings of equal size. Origin of first dorsal fin above the base of the pectoral fins. Second dorsal fin only slighty larger than the first one. No spines, no anal fin. Pectoral fins are small.
Dark brown, edges of fins light colored.
Atlantic: Ascension Island. Western Indian Ocean: Durban, Natal, South Africa.
Very rare dwarf shark and therefor biology nearly unknown.
Unknown. However it is suggested that this species may feed on pelagic fishes and invertebrates, based on capture location.
Probably maximum size around 30 cm.
Unknown. Probably aplacental viviparous (ovoviviparous). Based on one catch, size at birth seems to be around 12 cm. Litter size unknown.
Similar Species
Similar species exist and taxonomic features have to be used to clearly identify the different species..
Category:Least Concern (LC) Criteria: - Last evaluated:2019 Trend: