General appearance of a cat shark but with a very broad, wide head. Two equal-sized dorsal fins. Origin of first dorsal fin over the ends of the pectoral fins. Origin of the second dorsal fin behind origin of anal fin. Origin of anal fin is well behind the pelvic fin bases.
Yellow-beige or brown, with many dark dots over entire body, including fins. Whitish ventral surface.
Western Indian Ocean: South Africa.
An abundant, bottom-living species. Lives preferably in deeper waters, mainly on upper slopes of the continental shelf.
Small fishes, crustaceans.
Total maximum length about 35 cm, average size between 20 cm and 25 cm.
Oviparous (egg laying). One egg per uterus. Males reach sexual maturity at 30 cm, females at 25 cm.
Similar Species
The closely related species called Izak catshark has a similar appearance but its color pattern is more leopard-like than with dots.
Category:Endangered (EN) Criteria:A2d Last evaluated:2020 Trend: