General features of a typical requiem shark but with an extremely long, flattened and pointed snout. Very small eyes (circular). No spiraculi. First dorsal fin erect. Origin of first dorsal fin over midbase of pectorals. Second dorsal fin comparably large, about half the height of first dorsal fin. Origin over or slightly anterior to the anal fin"s origin. Very large paddle-like pectoral fins. No interdorsal ridge present.
Grey to brownish upper body, white ventral surface. No conspicuous colour patterns.
Western Atlantic: Trinidad, Guayana, Surinam, French Guinea.
A little known species. Supposedly frequently seen in estuaries and river mouths, and over rocky bottoms.
Small schooling fishes. The long snout and small eyes are possibly adapted for getting prey in murky water, though not yet proven.
Maximum size may be as much as 244 cm, although not confirmed yet. Largest measured species was 152 cm.
Viviparous, with yolksac placenta (gives birth to live young). 4 pups per litter. Size at birth between 38 to 41 cm. Males reach sexual maturity with about 95 cm, females with about 110 cm.
Similar Species
No other species possesses the combination of this very long snout and the paddle-like pectoral fins.
Category:Critically Endangered (CR) Criteria:A2bcd Last evaluated:2020 Trend: