Typical shape of a nurse shark. Large. Mouth ahead of the eyes with moderately long barbels present. Two angular dorsal fins. Frist dorsal fin is much larger than second one. Base of first dorsal fin is opposite of the pelvic fin bases. Pectoral fins falcate. Spiracles present.
From tan to dark grey-brown according to habitat.
Western Indian Ocean: South Africa, Mauritius, Seychelles, Madagascar, Red Sea, India, Maldives. Western Pacific: Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, New Guinea, Australia, Samoa, Palau, Tahiti and Marshall Islands.
Inshore shark, from intertidal waters down to at least 70 m. Lives close to or at the bottom in lagoons or along outer edges of coral reefs and rocky areas. Like other nurse sharks this species prefers sheltered areas like crevices and caves. Primarily nocturnal, cruising slowly during the night and resting during daytime in shelters. Some may be active during daylight too. This species and other nurse sharks are gregarious and can form resting aggregations.
Feeds on crabs, squids, octopi, corals (polyps), sea urchins and fishes.
Maximum total length about 320 cm, average size between 200 cm and 250 cm.
Aplacental viviparous (ovoviviparous). Size at birth about 40 cm.
Similar Species
Can be mistaken for the Nurse shark that species has pointed pectoral fins.
Category:Vulnerable (VU) Criteria:A2bcd Last evaluated:2021 Trend: