Large shark with 7 pairs of gill slits. Broad and rounded snout with small eyes. One dorsal fin.
Grey, with ventral surface. Numerous dark spots on body.
Wide-ranged in temperate waters. Western Atlantic: southern Brazil, Argentina. Eastern Atlantic: Namibia to South Africa. Western Pacific: Japan, Korea, China, Australia, New Zealand. Eastern Pacific: Canada to California, Mexico, Peru, Chile.
Primarily a benthic shark found over the continental shelves down to depths of about 50 m, but has also been found in shallow waters. Bigger animals prefer deeper waters. Very active swimmer, often cruising slowly near the bottom. This species apparently coordinates its movements in bays with tidal cycles, moving in with a tidal rise and out with its fall. A very powerful shark.
Feeds on fishes (such as salmon, sturgeon, herring), other sharks (dogfish, houndsharks) and rays (mainly eagle rays).
Average size about 200 cm to 250 cm, maximum total length about 300 cm.
Aplacental viviparous (ovoviviparous). High number of offsprings. A female was once found with 82 pups. Size at birth is 45 cm to 50 cm. Males reach sexual maturity at 150 cm to 180 cm, females at 190 cm to 210 cm.
Similar Species
Can be mistaken for the One-finned shark , that has no distinctive color (no black spots over body), has big eyes and is much smaller.
Category:Vulnerable (VU) Criteria:A2bd Last evaluated:2020 Trend: