Large, bulky shark (big girth) with a long, bulbously conical snout. Long mouth extending behind eyes. First dorsal fin is bigger than both second dorsal fin and anal fin. Origin of first dorsal fin over the free rear end of pectorals, origin of second dorsal fin over the hinder base of pelvic fins. Upper precaudal pit present. Strong ventral lobe on caudal fin, not lunate shaped.
Grey-brown on back, lighter ventral surface. Sometimes with dark reddish spots scattered on body.
Eastern Atlantic: Gulf of Gascony, Madeira, Morocco, Mediterranean. Western Indian Ocean: South Africa. Western Pacific: Japan, Australia. Central Pacific: Hawaii. Eastern Pacific: Southern California, Gulf of California.
Little-known species. Lives preferably in deeper waters, close to bottom over the continental shelves and upper slopes down to depths of 400 m.
Small fishes.
Average size between 250 cm and 300 cm, maximum total length about 360 cm.
Aplacental viviparous (ovoviviparous). Size at birth about 100 cm.
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