"Nurse shark"-like appearance but with basally branched nasal barbels and dermal lobes on the sides of its head. Flattened body. Origin of first dorsal fin behind midbases of pelvic fins, height of the first dorsal fin about equal to base length. Mouth in front of eyes.
Variegated color pattern. Beige-greenish with dark saddles with corrugated margins and light spots.
Western Pacific: Australia.
A common species of inshore waters, down to a depth of 110 m. Prefers corals, stony or sandy bottoms. Normally resting on bottom, waiting for prey.
Feeds on invertebrates, such as crabs and octopi, and on small fishes. This species possesses enlarged fang-like teeth in the upper jaw.
Average size between 150 cm and 180 cm. Maximum total length about 320 cm.
Aplacental viviparous (ovoviviparous). Size at birth about 20 cm. Males reach sexual maturity at about 60 cm.
Similar Species
Similar to other wobbegongs. However, coloration patterns make it distinguishable from the others.
Category:Least Concern (LC) Criteria: - Last evaluated:2015 Trend: