Small shark, with a moderately long, pointed and flattened snout. Narrow pectoral fins. Dorsal fins with minute, grooved spines. Origin of first dorsal fin over or at the end of the free rear ends of the pectoral fins. Pelvic fins about the size of the second dorsal fin. Spiracles present. Caudal fin with strong subterminal notch and a short lower lobe.
Blackish brown or dark brown, no conspicuous markings.
Western Atlantic: Northern Gulf of Mexico, Surinam; southern Brazil. Eastern Atlantic: Iceland to Madeira, Morocco, Cape Verde Islands, Senegal. Indian Ocean: South Africa.
A little-known deepwater species that can be found close to or at the bottom usually between 500 m and 1400 m depth. Maximum range between surface and about 2000 m.
Feeds on bottom fishes and invertebrates.
Average size about 50 cm, maximum size about 60 cm.
Aplacental viviparous (ovoviviparous).
Similar Species
Similar species exist, taxonomic features have to be used to identify the different species.
Category:Least Concern (LC) Criteria: - Last evaluated:2020 Trend: