Large shark with a very long caudal lobe that is nearly as long as the rest of the body. Huge eyes. Notched or helmeted contour of head. Origin of first dorsal fin well behind the free ends of the pectoral fins. Pelvic fins large and nearly as large as first dorsal fin. Falcate and broad-tipped pectoral fins. Second dorsal fin and anal fin very small. Precaudal pit is present.
Violet-grey upper body, whitish ventral surface.
Mainly in tropical, subtropical and temperate waters. Western Atlantic: New York to Florida, Bahamas, Cuba. Venezuela and Brazil. Eastern Atlantic: Portugal to Angola, Mediterranean. Western Indian Ocean: South Africa, Madagascar to Arabic Sea. Western Pacific: Taiwan to southern Japan, Australia and New Caledonia. Eastern Pacific: Gulf of California, Galapagos Islands, Hawaiian Islands.
Can be found in coastal waters over the continental shelves and offshore waters down to a depth of 500 m. The position of its eyes suggests a more deepwater preference. This species possesses an elevated body temperature due to a special blood circulatory system (rete mirabile) that enables them to live in colder waters.
Feeds on pelagic fishes (such as herrings) and others.
Average size between 300 cm and 400 cm, maximum total size around 460 cm and 160 kg.
Aplacental viviparous (ovoviviparous), with uterine cannibalism. Normally 2 pups per litter. Size at birth smaller than 100 cm. Pups have a fast growth rate and are born in open water. Males reach sexual maturity at a size of 270 cm, females at 300 cm.
Similar Species
Thresher shark but has smaller eyes and no contours on its head.
Category:Vulnerable (VU) Criteria:A2bd Last evaluated:2019 Trend: