A typical requiem shark. Fairly slender. Long rounded snout. First dorsal fin moderately large with a pointed apex, and originates over or slightly anterior to the pectoral fins" rear tips. Origin of second dorsal fin is over or slightly behind the anal fin"s origin. Large, semifalcate pectoral fins. Interdorsal ridge present. With precaudal pit.
Dark grey upper. White ventral surface. Conspicuous white tips and posterior margins on all fins.
Western Indian Ocean: Red Sea, South Africa, Mozambique, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Chagos Archipelago. Maledives. Western Pacific: Indonesia. Central Pacific: New Caledonia, Taiwan, Philippines, Palau, Marshall Islands, Tahiti. Eastern Pacific: Southern Baja California, Clipperton, Cocos Islands, Galapagos.
Common to abundant over the continental shelves and slopes, from the surface down to about 800 m. Found inshore (lagoons) and offshore. Young silvertips are restricted to shallower water close to shore.
Feeds mainly on a variety of fishes.
Average size between 200 cm to 250 cm, maximum total length about 300 cm.
Viviparous, with yolksac-placenta. 1 to 11 pups per litter, normally 5 to 6. Gestation period lasts about 12 months. Size at birth about 65 cm. Males and females reach sexual maturity with about 160 cm.
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Unmistakable white color pattern.
Category:Vulnerable (VU) Criteria:A2bd Last evaluated:2024 Trend: