Small. Moderately broad, anteriorly arched, mallet-shaped head with medial and lateral indentations on its anterior edge and transverse posterior margins. First dorsal fin is falcate, with origin just behind the pectoral fin insertions, and its free rear end approximately opposite or behind the pelvic fin origins. Second dorsal fin is slightly shorter than the anal fin, and ends ahead of the upper caudal origin. Precaudal pit present.
Grey, with white ventral surface.
Eastern Pacific: Gulf of California. Southern Mexico to Peru.
A little-known species, rare. Lives on the continental shelf, probably inshore.
Average size between 60 cm and 70 cm, maximum total length about 90 cm. Probably the smallest hammerhead species of all.
Viviparous, with yolksac-placenta. Litter size probably 2. Size at birth about 25 cm. Males reach sexual maturity with 65 cm, unknown for females.
Similar Species
Can only be mistaken for the that has a different distribution.
Category:Critically Endangered (CR) Criteria:A2bcd Last evaluated:2020 Trend: