Medium-sized grey shark with a moderate wedge-shaped, short snout. Eyes are fairly large. Large gill slits. Pectoral fins falcate and moderately large, with pointed or rounded apex. First dorsal fin broadly triangular with a very short free rear end. Origin over or slightly behind posterior to the insertion (end) of pectoral fins. Second dorsal fin relatively large and high. No interdorsal ridge present.
Typical coloration of a grey shark, bronze dorsal surface, white belly. Black tips usually present on pectoral fins, first and second dorsal fin, and on ventral caudal lobe. Dusky edges usually on dorsal caudal lobe. In large specimen coloration can be obsolete. Conspicuous white band is present on the flanks.
Indo-Western Pacific: Gulf of Aden, India, Sri Lanka, Gulf of Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, Java, Borneo, Australia.
A probably common but still little-known species found inshore and offshore over the continental and insular shelves, down to depths of approximately 50 m.
Feeds mostly on fishes, though diet can include crustaceans and cephalopods as well.
Maximum size approximately 170 cm. Average size between 130 and 150 cm.
Viviparous, with yolksac placenta (gives birth to live young). Litter size is 3 pups measuring approximately 50-60 cm in length. Gestation period is between 9 and 10 months. Both sexes reach maturity between 110 and 115 cm.
Similar Species
Similar to Blacktip shark and Gray reef shark. Blacktips however have a less stocky build, and grey reef sharks possess a caudal fin posterior edge that is entirely dark colored (no conspicuous black colored lower lobe), and their backs do not show a bronze coloration.
Category:Vulnerable (VU) Criteria:A2d Last evaluated:2021 Trend: