Large, stout-bodied shark. Short and bluntly rounded snout. Small eyes and medium-sized gill slits. First dorsal fin is large and falcate, tip is sharply rounded or pointed. Second dorsal fin is small. Origin of first dorsal fin is slightly behind or over the insertion (end) of the pectorals. Pectoral fins are large and angular. No interdorsal ridge present.
Grey upper body, white ventral surface. No distinctive fin markings, however a indistinct pale stripe can be seen over the flanks. Juveniles nay have dusky fins.
Eastern Atlantic: Nigeria. Indo-Western Pacific: South Africa, Madagascar, Gulf of Aden, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Australia (Queensland, Western Australia).
Lives inshore over continental and insular shelves. A common species near the surf line and along beaches, down to 60 m.
Bottom fishes, crustaceans and molluscs.
Maximum size up to 280 cm, average size between 200 and 250 cm.
Viviparous (gives birth to live young), with yolksac placenta. Size at birth approximately 70 cm. Males reach sexual maturity at about 195 cm, females between 200 and 225 cm. Reproductive strategy has not been well studied yet.
Similar Species
Similar to Bull shark , which however differs in the relative height of first and second dorsal fin.
Category:Vulnerable (VU) Criteria:A2d Last evaluated:2021 Trend: