A typical requiem shark of moderate size. Snout bluntly rounded with horizontal oval eyes. Large and falcate first dorsal fin, with a narrow and pointed apex. Front origin over or slightly in front of pectorals free rear tips. Second dorsal fin is relatively high (3-4 % of total body length). Origin of second dorsal fin over origin of anal fin. No interdorsal ridge present.
Greyish-brown or bronze on its back, white belly region. Dorsal, pectoral, and caudal fins have black margins. These black margins expand apically to black tips on caudal lobes and pectorals. A conspicuous white band may be present on the flanks.
Eastern Indian Ocean and Western South Pacific: Australia (Queensland, Western Australia), Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea.
A little known species found over shallow waters of continental and insular shelves. May swim into deeper water, as well.
Bony fishes, and to lesser extent, crustaceans and cephalopods.
Maximum size about 150 cm, average size between 100 and 130 cm.
Viviparous, with yolksac placenta (gives birth to live young). Litter size between 1 and 5 pups. Gestation period 8 to 9 months. Size at birth between 35 and 40 cm.
Similar Species
Similar to Blacktip reef shark but no conspicuous black tips on the first dorsal fin and anal fin.
Category:Least Concern (LC) Criteria: - Last evaluated:2020 Trend: