Small, typical requiem shark. Long rounded snout. Fairly large eyes (horizontally oval). First dorsal fin relatively small and broad, triangular. Origin over the first half of the inner pectoral fin margin. Second dorsal fin well developed and high (about 2.5 to 4 % of entire body length). Origin of the second dorsal fin over or slightly behind the beginning of the anal fin.
Grey to brown upper body, white ventral surface. Black or dusky tip on second dorsal fin tip. Other fins with pale trailing edges. An inconspicuous light stripe can be present over the flanks.
Indo-Western Pacific: Persian Gulf to Pakistan, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Java, Thailand, Borneo, Vietnam, possibly Philippines, China, Japan.
A very common, but little studied species. Lives in inshore waters over continental and insular shelves.
Feeds on small fishes, cephalopods and crustaceans.
Maximum size about 100 cm, average size between 70 and 90 cm.
Viviparous, with yolksac placenta (gives birth to live young). Males reach sexual maturity between 65 to 70 cm, females with 70 to 75 cm. Size at birth about 38 cm.