Medium-sized, fairly stocky requiem shark. Long and parabolic shaped snout. Broad and triangular first dorsal fin. Origin over or slightly anterior to the pectoral free rear tips. Second dorsal fin large and high (about 3 % of the total body length). Origin of the second dorsal fin is over or somewhat behind the anal fin"s origin. Large, triangular pectoral fins, with narrowly rounded tips (anterior margins about 17 to 19 % of the shark"s total length). No interdorsal ridge present.
A bronze to greyish brown back, white belly. No conspicuous fin markings or band on flanks.
Western Pacific: Australia (Queensland to Western Australia).
This species lives inshore and offshore over the continental shelves. Not well studied.
Fishes, and some crustaceans.
Maximum size probably about 150 cm, average size between 110 and 130 cm.
Viviparous, with yolksac placenta (gives birth to live young). Size at birth about 50 cm. Males reach sexual maturity at about 80 cm, females at 90 cm.
Similar Species
Some similar species exist and taxonomic features have to be used to clearly distinguish between these requiem sharks.
Category:Least Concern (LC) Criteria: - Last evaluated:2019 Trend: