Relatively small requiem shark. Snout narrowly rounded. Large, circular eyes (diameter between 2 to 3 % of the entire body length). First dorsal fin large and falcate, origin over the inner margins of pectoral fins just behind their insertions. Second dorsal fin high (about 2.7 % of total body length), with origin over or slightly posterior to the origin of anal fin. Large, falcate pectoral fins with narrowly rounded tips. Interdorsal ridge is present.
Grey upper body, white ventral surface. Black tips present on pectorals, second dorsal fin, and dorsal and ventral lobe of the caudal fin. White band on the flanks present.
Indo-Western Pacific: Oman to Vietnam, Indonesia, New Guinea.
Almost nothing is known about this species. Probably wide ranging over continental and insular shelves.
Probably fishes.
Maximum size uncertain, probably not over 150 to 200 cm.
Most likely, viviparous, with yolksac placenta (gives birth to live young).
Similar Species
Other small requiem sharks within the range of this species have a similar appearance, taxonomic features have to be used to clearly distinguish among them.
Category:Critically Endangered (CR) Criteria:C2a(i) Last evaluated:2021 Trend: