Slender requiem shark, with a pointed (or narrowly rounded) and noticeably stiff snout (hence its name!). Eyes relatively large (about 1.8 to 2.5 % of total body length). First dorsal fin is small and falcate with a very long rear tip. Origin over or slightly anterior to the free rear tips of the pectoral fins. Second dorsal fin low (about 1.2 to 2 % of total length) with a long rear tip, too. Origin well behind the origin of anal fin. Pectoral fins are small and falcate, with narrowly rounded or pointed tips. No interdorsal ridge present.
Grey to grey-brown upper body, white belly. No conspicuous fin markings, second dorsal fin"s anterior margin and both margins of the upper caudal fin sometimes have dark edges. Posterior margins of some fins, in particular the pectoral and lower caudal fin often have pale edges.
Indo-Western Pacific: Kenya, Tanzania, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Andaman Sea, Burma, Vietnam, China, New Guinea, Australia (Queensland, Western Australia).
A common, but little known species. Lives over the continental and insular shelves, down to a depth of 170 m. Found in large aggregations together with the Australian blacktip shark and the Spot-tail shark.
Bony fishes, and to a lesser extent cephalopods and crustaceans.
Maximum size about 110 cm, average size between 80 and 100 cm.
Viviparous, with yolksac-placenta. Gestation period approximately 12 months. Size at birth about 45 cm, both sexes reach maturity between 70 and 75 cm.
Similar Species
Several requiem sharks have a similar appearance but the long rear ends of the dorsal fins make it easy to identify this species.
Category:Near Threatened (NT) Criteria:A2d Last evaluated:2021 Trend: