Cylindrical body. Mouth in front of eyes, big spiracles below the eyes. Relatively long snout. Both dorsal fins equal-sized. No spines. Origin of first dorsal fin approximately over the insertion of pelvic fin. Pelvic fins about as large as dorsal fins but larger than anal fin. Anal fin with broad base and only separated by a small notch from the caudal fin. Pectoral fins small and broad based, about the same size as pelvic fins. Greatly elongated thick precaudal tail.
No distinctive color pattern. Entire body light brown.
Indian Ocean: In the Gulf area between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula.
Little-known bottom dwelling species. Common inshore to offshore,from 3m down to about 100 m.
Feeds probably on invertebrates and small fishes.
Maximum length about 70 cm, average size between 50 and 60 cm.
Probably egg laying (oviparous).
Similar Species
Other species of the same genus have a similar appearance but most of the others do have a distinctive color pattern.
Category:Near Threatened (NT) Criteria:A2cd+3cd Last evaluated:2017 Trend: