Long body. Mouth in front of eyes. Spiracles below eyes. Both dorsal fins are of same size and far posterior on tail. Origin of first dorsal fin over or slightly behind the insertion of the pectoral fins. Anal fin ends right in front of caudal fin. Extremely long and thick precaudal tail.
Scattered small and large dark spots, which are not close together, not forming rectangular pattern with the background color. No dark hood at the head. Large black spot over the pectorals, ringed with white in form of a conspicuous ocellus, numerous smaller black spots are surrounding this black spot. No large white spots on sides. No dark crossbands on the ventral surface of the tail.
Western South Pacific: Papua New Guinea, Indonesia.
A inshore, bottom-living shark. Little-known.
Feeds most likely on invertebrates.
Maximum size at least 75 cm.
Unknown, most likely oviparous (egg laying).
Similar Species
Other species have similar features but the color pattern of this species is distinctive.
Category:Vulnerable (VU) Criteria:B1ab(iii) Last evaluated:2016 Trend: