Long body, slightly stout, with elongated peduncle. Mouth in front of eyes, spiracles behind and below eyes. Both dorsal fins of same size. Origin of first dorsal fin over or slightly behind the insertion of the pelvic fins. Pelvic fins nearly as large as dorsal fins. Anal fin ends right at the beginning of the caudal fin.
Dark large and small spots, clustered, forming a light reticular pattern with the body. No hood on head. Large black spot over the pectoral fins at the flanks, rimmed with white ocellus. Ocellus is partially rimmed with few black spots. No large white spots on sides.
Western South Pacific: Australia.
A common shark, found on coral reefs in shallow water.
Feeds most likely on invertebrates.
Maximum size at least 64 cm.
Most likely egg laying (oviparous).
Similar Species
Other "epaulette sharks" have a similar appearance but the color pattern of the described species is distinctive.
Category:Least Concern (LC) Criteria: - Last evaluated:2015 Trend: