Cylindrical trunk with conical head, small spiracles behind and below the eyes. Very short snout, bluntly rounded. Supraorbital ridges low which do not end abruptly behind the eyes. Both dorsal fins have a stout fin spine. Origin of first dorsal fin over base of pectoral fins. Origin of second dorsal fin behind insertion (end) of pelvic fins. Pelvic fins as large or larger than dorsal fins. Large pectoral fins. Anal fin present.
Grey-brown. Scattered large black spots on fins and body, light transverse band between supraorbital ridge on the interorbital space.
Eastern Pacific: Southern Baja California, Gulf of California, Guatemala, Gulf of Panama, Colombia.
Lives on rocky bottom and sandy areas, from inshore waters down to at least 20 m.
Feeds on invertebrates.
Maximum size about 70 cm, average size between 50 and 60 cm.
Oviparous (egg laying). Egg cases with thick T-shaped spiral flanges (paired), case apex with very long tendrils, 5 turns visible on sides.
Similar Species
Other bullhead sharks have a similar appearance but this species is the only on in the described area.
Category:Least Concern (LC) Criteria: - Last evaluated:2020 Trend: