Cylindrical trunk with conical head. Small spiracles behind and below the eyes. Very short snout, bluntly rounded. Supraorbital ridges moderately high, ending abruptly behind the eyes. Both dorsal fins with a stout fin spine. Origin of first dorsal fin over pectoral fin bases. Origin of second dorsal fin over the free ends of the pelvic fins. Large pectoral fins. Anal fin present.
Numerous small white spots over reddish brown body.
Western Indian Ocean: Southern Mozambique, Arabian Peninsula (eastern shore).
A rare species. Lives on the outer continental shelf and uppermost slope in deepwater between about 100 and 275 m.
Seems to feed on crabs.
Maximum size about 83 cm.
Most likely oviparous (egg laying), although egg cases have not been found so far.
Similar Species
Although other bullhead sharks have a similar appearance, the distribution and color pattern of this species are distinctive.
Category:Data Deficient (DD) Criteria: - Last evaluated:2019 Trend: