Very small. Flattened body with dermal, fleshy lobes on sides of head, two below and in front of the each eye. Well developed spiracles behind the eyes. First and second dorsal fin equal-sized. Origin of first dorsal fin near the insertion of pelvic fins (about last fourth of pelvic base). Insertion of second dorsal fin over the origin anal fin. Low caudal fin. Pectoral fin broad at base, with round apices.
Conspicuous color pattern. Dorsal surface with small, rounded and ocellate light-edged saddle marks. Each saddle is separated by wide, dark spaces without spots or reticulated lines.
Western South Pacific: Australia (Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Territory).
Little-known. Common in inshore, continental areas. Bottom living.
Feeds probably on invertebrates and fishes.
Small, probably around 45 cm.
Unknown, but most likely ovoviviparous (aplacental viviparous).
Similar Species
Coloration, and pattern of saddles unmistakable.
Category:Least Concern (LC) Criteria: - Last evaluated:2015 Trend: