Long body, with a relatively short, thick and broadly rounded snout. Narrow head, with slitlike eyes. No barbles on throat. Two equal-sized dorsal fins. Origin of first dorsal fin over the end of the free rear ends of the pelvic fins. Origin of the second dorsal fin over the insertion of the anal fin.
Light yellowish to reddish brown. Six to eight dusky sattles on trunk, peduncle or tail. Very prominent dark, unspotted collar around the gills.. Large, dark brown spots scattered over entire body (sides and fins, not on pectorals).
Western South Pacific: Australia (New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania).
A little-known species. Common. Lives over the continental shelf, mainly around rocks, reefs and firm bottoms. Found from 18m down to 156m. Seems to be most common between 55 and about 130 m.
Feeds most likely on invertebrates, and probably small fishes too.
Maximum size about 87 cm.
Oviparous (lays eggs). Males reach maturity at about 80 cm, females at 85 cm.
Similar Species
The color pattern of this species is very distinctive.
Category:Least Concern (LC) Criteria: - Last evaluated:2016 Trend: