Relatively stout body, with trunk tapering slightly toward the head. Long snout, relatively narrow and bell-shaped (preoral snout about 9 to 10 % of total body length). Gill slits moderately large, somewhat less than or equal to eye diameter. Fairly broad nostrils (incurrent and excurrent apertures very narrow and slitlike). First dorsal fin slightly smaller than or same size as second one (base of first one of same size as second one or slightly shorter). Origin of first dorsal fin over last third of pelvic fin bases. Insertion of second dorsal fin behind anal fin insertion. Pectoral fins rather small. Pelvic fins high and broadly rounded. Anal fin short, fairly high and angular (between three and four times as long as high).
Dusky brown or grey-brown to purplish-black. No conspicuous fin markings.
Eastern South Atlantic: Southwestern Cape Province (South Africa). Other places in the Atlantic area questionable.
A little-known, bottom-dwelling species found over the continental slopes at depths between 1000 and 2000 m.
Maximum size at least 54 cm.
Unknown, most likely oviparous (egg laying).
Similar Species
Other species of the same genus (Apristurus) have a similar appearance but no other lives in the same area.
Category:Least Concern (LC) Criteria: - Last evaluated:2019 Trend: