Relatively slender body, with trunk tapering strongly toward the head. Very broad and long, bell-shaped snout, (preoral snout about 8 % of total body length). Very small eyes (about 3 % of total body length). First dorsal fin about the same size as second dorsal fin. Origin of first dorsal fin slightly anterior to the midbases of pelvic fins. Insertion of second dorsal fin behind the insertion of anal fin. Pelvic fins high and broadly rounded. Short anal fin (about twice as long as high).
Blackish with conspicuous white posterior margins on pectorals, pelvic, dorsal, and anal fins.
Eastern North Pacific: Central and southern California, Gulf of California, Mexico.
A bottom-living, deepwater species found on the upper continental slope down to a depth of about 1900 m. Little-known.
Maximum size unknown, but at least 52 cm.
Egg laying (oviparous). One egg case per oviduct at the time.
Similar Species
The coloration and markings of this species are unmistakable.
Category:Data Deficient (DD) Criteria: - Last evaluated:2015 Trend: