Relatively slender body, with a trunk that tapers slightly toward the head. Very broad, bell-shaped snout, long (preoral snout about 11 % of total body length). Broad nostrils. Very small eyes (about 2.5 % of total body length). Base of first dorsal fin about 1.5 times the length of second one. Origin of first dorsal fin over midbases of pelvic fins. Origin of second dorsal fin slight in front of the insertion of the anal fin. Pectoral fins relatively large. Long anal fin, rather high (about 4 times longer than high) and rounded.
Indian Ocean: Andaman Sea. Only one specimen has been found (a holotype) and thus the description is based entirely on this specimen.
Little-known species. Seems to live in deepwater at the continental slope (the holotype was found at 1040 m depth).
The only specimen found had a length of 26 cm and was probably immature, thus a larger size is most likely.
Unknown, most likely oviparous (egg laying).
Similar Species
Other species of the same genus (Apristurus) have a similar appearance and taxonomic features have to be used to clearly distinguish among them.
Category:Least Concern (LC) Criteria: - Last evaluated:2020 Trend: