Relatively slender body, with a trunk that tapers slightly toward the head. Very broad, long, bell-shaped snout, (preoral snout about 9 to 10 % of total body length). Small eyes (2 to 3 % of total body length). Large nostrils. Origin of first dorsal fin lightly behind the midbases of the pelvic fins. Origin of second dorsal fin slightly in front of the insertion of the anal fin. Very long and high anal fin. Long and very narrow caudal fin.
Brownish to blackish. No conspicuous markings.
Western Indian Ocean: Somalia, Gulf of Aden, Oman.
Little-known species. Lives in deepwater, close to bottom, at the slopes of the continental shelf between about 1300 to 1850 m.
Largest specimen was 34 cm, most likely larger, since this specimen was still immature.
Unknown, but most likely oviparous (egg laying).
Similar Species
Other species of the same genus (Apristurus) have a similar appearance and taxonomic features have to be used to clearly distinguish among them.
Category:Least Concern (LC) Criteria: - Last evaluated:2017 Trend: