Relatively slender body, with trunk slightly tapering toward the head.Snout is bell-shaped, long and broad. Somewhat small eyes (about 3 % of total body length). Broad nostrils. Very small gill slits (much smaller than eye diameter). Base of first dorsal fin about half of second one, with origin slightly anterior to the insertion of pelvic fins. Origin of second dorsal fin about midbase of anal fin. Pelvic fins fairly high and broadly rounded. Anal fin very long (nearly 5 times as large as high) and much larger than dorsal or pelvic fins.
Brownish, no conspicuous markings.
Western Pacific: Cagayan Island, Jolo Sea, Philippines (Distribution only known by holotype; that is only one specimen has been found and thus the description is based entirely on this specimen.)
Deepwater species. Poorly known.
Unknown, the holotype had a length of 31 cm.
Unknown, most likely oviparous (egg laying).
Similar Species
Other species of the same genus (Apristurus) have a similar appearance and taxonomic features have to be used to clearly distinguish among them.
Category:Least Concern (LC) Criteria: - Last evaluated:2020 Trend: