Relative slender body slightly tapering toward head. Moderately long snout, bell-shaped and broad. (Preoral snout about 9 to 10 % of total body length). Broad nostrils. Relatively large eyes (3 to 4 % of total body length). Labial furrows present, positioned directly under the eyes. First dorsal fin about half the size of the second one. Origin of first dorsal fin slightly behind the insertion of the pelvic fins. Origin of second dorsal fin well in front of anal fin"s insertion. Body surface almost silky-smooth (no fuzzy or feltlike texture).
Dark grey with blackish fin margins.
Western North Atlantic: Leeward islands off Antigua and Anguilla.
This little-known, bottom-living, deepwater species can be found on the insular slopes at depths between 700 and 850 m.
Unknown, but at least 45 cm.
Unknown, but most likely oviparous (egg laying). Females seem to reach maturity at a size between 40 and 45 cm, males at around 43 cm.
Similar Species
Other species of the same genus (Apristurus) have a similar appearance and taxonomic features have to be used to clearly distinguish.
Category:Least Concern (LC) Criteria: - Last evaluated:2020 Trend: