Photo © Alexa Elliot
Photo © Alexa Elliot
Photo © Alexa Elliot
Typical species:
Spotted wobbegong
Photo © Doug Perrine
All 6 species of this family have a very distinctive flattened body and possess narrow dermal flaps along the sides of their heads. Large spiracles are present, of a size that is bigger than the eyes. Both dorsal fins are of equal size. The origin of the first one is over or slightly behind the insertion of the pelvic fins. All members of this family possess fang-like teeth, 3 rows close to the symphysis of the upper jaw and two rows in the lower jaw. All wobbegongs are relatively common in temperate and tropical continental waters of the western Pacific, occurring from very shallow water down to about 100 m. Wobbegongs prefer sandy or rocky bottoms, or coral reefs and can be found laying on the bottom, like nurse sharks. However, with their lateral skin flaps along the side of their heads and their coloration they are often difficult to spot against the bottom. They have an ovoviviparous style of reproduction (aplacental viviparity). They are very powerful predators and can reach large sizes, up to 3.7m. Their camouflage, big jaws and size makes them potentially dangerous, although not aggressive unless provoked.