Photo © Alexa Elliot
Photo © Alexa Elliot
Photo © Alexa Elliot
Typical species:
Small-spotted catshark
Photo ©
Cat sharks used to comprise well over 120 species. After the separation of the deepwater catsharks (Pentanchidae), Atelomycteridae and bristle sharks (Dichichthyidae), they now only consist of three genera with around 35 species. Catsharks got their name from their cat-like eyes and have only rudimentary developed nicitating eyelids. They possess moderately large spiracles. The first dorsal fin is smaller than the anal fin, and its origin is slightly before or after the origin of the pelvic fins. Catsharks have a world-wide distribution from tropical to cold-temperate waters over the continental shelves to the slopes down to 2000 m . Catsharks normally feed on invertebrates and small fishes, and most of them lay eggs (oviparous). The biology of most species is poorly known.