Photo © Alexa Elliot
Photo © Alexa Elliot
Photo © Alexa Elliot
Typical species:
Sicklefin weasel shark
Weasel sharks
This is a small family consisting of 7 species, divided in 4 genera. With the exception of the snaggletooth shark (Hemipristis elongata) which can reach a size of up to 240 cm, weasel sharks are mostly small to moderate-sized animals with horizontally oriented oval eyes, internal nicitating membranes and spiraculi. Weasel sharks are close related to the requiem sharks (Carcharhinidae) and have similar features. The origin of the first dorsal fin is close to the pectoral fin bases. A precaudal pit is present. They are found in coastal tropical areas down to 100 m. Their distribution is limited to the Atlantic and continental Indo-West Pacific. They feed on a variety of small fishes, crustaceans and echinoderms. They all give birth to live young (placental viviparity).