Information on the Exhibit "Sharks - the Hunted Hunters"
The Exhibit and documents are in German. Translations to other languages are possible.
For Visitors
The Exhibit is currently in storage.
We are looking for new Exhibit locations and shall keep you informed in this and other sections as to where and when the Exhibit can be seen next.
For Teachers and Students
Detailed accompanying material for the Exhibit is available for teachers and students. The material was compiled in cooperation with museum educators from the Museums of Natural History in St. Gallen and Lucerne.
For teachers:
Preparation: Short description/overview of the panels, display cases and exhibit objects
Literature and media suggestions
For younger students: e.g collage sheets, crossword puzzles, simple functions in the Exhibit itself
For older students, 7th class and upwards: More complex questions (partly with simple mathematical formulas) and assignments in the Exhibit
Solution sheets (only) for teachers.
Please contact the Shark Foundation This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. directly for these documents.
For Exhibitors
Please contact the Shark Foundation directly for information This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Support the Shark Foundation in its work to protect sharks.