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Publications from projects funded by the Shark Foundation

The Foundation has been supporting Scientific Research Projects ever since 1997 with emphasis on shark protection. The results of many of these research projects have been published in well-known scientific journals, as conference posters, books or in other forms.

Below you will find 125 selected publications that were made possible through the support of the Foundation.

Shark Migrations (11)

Michael E. Byrne, Heidi Dewar, Jeremy J. Vaudo, Bradley M. Wetherbee, Mahmood Shivji2024
You Shall Not Pass: The Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone Creates a Boundary to Shortfin Mako Shark Distribution in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean
Diversity and Distributions 2024 0:e13924
DOI: 10.1111/ddi.13924

Pelayo Salinas-de-León, Jeremy Vaudo, Ryan Logan, Jenifer Suarez-Moncada, Mahmood Shivji2024
Longest recorded migration of a silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) reveals extensive use of international waters of the Tropical Eastern Pacific
J Fish Biol. 2024:1–4
DOI: 10.1111/jfb.15788

Cassandra L. Ruck, Mahmood S. Shivji, Rima W. Jabado & Andrea M. Bernard2024
Cross ocean-basin population genetic dynamics in a pelagic top predator of high conservation concern, the oceanic whitetip shark, Carcharhinus longimanus
Conservation Genetics 25, 677–695 (2024)
DOI: 10.1007/s10592-023-01596-1

Vaudo, J., P. Salinas de León, R. Logan, B. Wetherbee, and M. Shivji 2023
Long-term movements of silky sharks, Carcharhinus falciformis, in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
American Elasmobranch Society Conference

Ryan K., Vaudo Jeremy J., Sousa Lara L., Sampson Mark, Wetherbee Bradley M., Shivji Mahmood S.2020
Seasonal Movements and Habitat Use of Juvenile Smooth Hammerhead Sharks in the Western North Atlantic Ocean and Significance for Management
Frontiers in Marine Science
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.566364

Queiroz, N., Humphries, N.E., Couto, A. et al.2019
Global spatial risk assessment of sharks under the footprint of fisheries.
Nature 572, 461–466 (2019)
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1444-4

Michael E. Byrne, Jeremy J. Vaudo, Guy C. McN. Harvey, Matthew W. Johnston, Bradley M. Wetherbee and Mahmood Shivji2019
Behavioral response of a mobile marine predator to environmental variables differs across ecoregions
Ecography 42: 1–10, 2019
DOI: 10.1111/ecog.04463

Michael E. Byrne, Enric Cortes, Jeremy J. Vaudo, Guy C. McN. Harvey, Mark Sampson, Bradley M. Wetherbee and Mahmood Shivji2017
Satellite telemetry reveals higher fishing mortality rates than previously estimated, suggesting overfishing of an apex marine predator
Proc. R. Soc. B 284: 20170658.
DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2017.0658

Jeremy J. Vaudo, Michael E. Byrne, Bradley M. Wetherbee, Guy M. Harvey and Mahmood S. Shivji2017
Long-term satellite tracking reveals region-specific movements of a large pelagic predator, the shortfin mako shark, in the western North Atlantic Ocean
Journal of Applied Ecology 2017
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12852

Jeremy J. Vaudo, Bradley M. Wetherbee, Anthony D. Wood, Kevin Weng, Lucy A. Howey-Jordan, Guy M. Harvey, Mahmood S. Shivji2016
Vertical movements of shortfin mako sharks Isurus oxyrinchus in the western North Atlantic Ocean are strongly influenced by temperature
Mar Ecol Prog Ser Vol. 547: 163-175, 2016
DOI: 10.3354/meps11646

James S. E. Lea, Bradley M. Wetherbee, Nuno Queiroz, Neil Burnie, Choy Aming, Lara L. Sousa, Gonzalo R. Mucientes, Nicolas E. Humphries, Guy M. Harvey, David W. Sims and Mahmood S. Shivji2015
Repeated, long-distance migrations by a philopatric predator targeting highly contrasting ecosystems
Nature Scientific Reports 5:11202
DOI: 10.1038/srep11202

Population Analyses (9)

Cassandra L. Ruck, Mahmood S. Shivji, Rima W. Jabado, Andrea M. Bernard2024
Cross ocean‐basin population genetic dynamics in a pelagic top predator of high conservation concern, the oceanic whitetip shark, Carcharhinus longimanus
Conservation Genetics 25, 677–695 (2024)
DOI: 10.1007/s10592-023-01596-1

Michael J. Stanhope, Kristina M. Ceres, Qi Sun, Minghui Wang, Jordan D. Zehr, Nicholas J. Marra, Aryn P. Wilder, Cheng Zou, Andrea M. Bernard, Paulina Pavinski-Bitar, Mitchell G. Lokey, Mahmood S. Shivji2023
Genomes of endangered great hammerhead and shortfin mako sharks reveal historic population declines and high levels of inbreeding in great hammerhead
iScience 26, 105815
DOI: 10.1016/j.isci. 2022.105815

Sydney P. Harned, Andrea M. Bernard, Pelayo Salinas-de-León, Marissa R. Mehlrose, Jenifer Suarez, Yolani Robles, Sandra Bessudo, Felipe Ladino, Andrés López Garo, Ilena Zanella, Kevin A. Feldheim, Mahmood S. Shivji2022
Genetic population dynamics of the critically endangered scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini) in the Eastern Tropical Pacific
Ecology and Evolution 12,12
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.9642

Alicia C. J. Schmidt-Roach, Christine C. Bruels, Adam Barnett, Adam D. Miller, Craig D. H. Sherman, David A. Ebert, Sebastian Schmidt-Roach, Charlene da Silva, Christopher G. Wilke, Craig Thorburn, Jeffrey C. Mangel, Juan Manuel Ezcurra, Alejo Irigoyen, Andrés Javier Jaureguizar, Matias Braccini, Joanna Alfaro-Shigueto, Clinton Duffy, Mahmood S. Shivji2021
Evidence of historical isolation and genetic structuring among broadnose sevengill sharks (Notorynchus cepedianus) from the world’s major oceanic regions
Rev Fish Biol Fisheries
DOI: 10.1007/s11160-021-09651-1

Andrea M. Bernard , Kimberly A. Finnegan, Paulina Pavinski Bitar, Michael J. Stanhope, and Mahmood S. Shivji2021
Genomic Assessment of Global Population Structure in a Highly Migratory and Habitat Versatile Apex Predator, the Tiger Shark (Galeocerdo cuvier)
Journal of Heredity 2021, 497–507
DOI: 10.1093/jhered/esab046

Nicholas J. Marra, Michael J. Stanhope, Nathaniel K. Jue, Minghui Wang, Qi Sun, Paulina Pavinski Bitar, Vincent P. Richards, Aleksey Komissarov, Mike Rayko, Sergey Kliver, Bryce J. Stanhope, Chuck Winkler, Stephen J. O’Brien, Agostinho Antunes, Salvador Jorgensen and Mahmood S. Shivji2019
White shark genome reveals ancient elasmobranch adaptations associated with wound healing and the maintenance of genome stability
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1819778116

Andrea M. Bernard, Vincent P. Richards, Michael J. Stanhope, and Mahmood S. Shivji2018
Transcriptome-Derived Microsatellites Demonstrate Strong Genetic Differentiation in Pacific White Sharks
Journal of Heredity 2018, 771–779
DOI: 10.1093/jhered/esy045

Andrea M. Bernard, Rebekah L. Horn, Demian D. Chapman, Kevin A. Feldheim, Ricardo C. Garla, Edd J. Brooks, Mauvis A. Gore and Mahmood S. Shivji2017
Genetic connectivity of a coral reef ecosystem predator: the population genetic structure and evolutionary history of the Caribbean reef shark (Carcharhinus perezi)
Journal of Biogeography 2017 1–13.
DOI: 10.1111/jbi.13062

Andrea M. Bernard, Kevin A. Feldheim, Michael R. Heithaus, Sabine P. Wintner, Bradley M. Wetherbee and Mahmood S. Shivji2016
Global population genetic dynamics of a highly migratory, apex predator shark
Molecular Ecology (2016) 25, 5312-53297
DOI: 10.1111/mec.13845

Whale Sharks (24)

Rui Matsumoto, Kiyomi Murakumo, Ryo Nozu, David Acuña-Marrero, Jonathan R. Green, Simon J. Pierce, Christoph A. Rohner, Harry Reyes, Sofia M. Green, Alistair D. M. Dove, Maria L. Torres, Alex R. Hearn2023
Underwater ultrasonography and blood sampling provide the first observations of reproductive biology in free-swimming whale sharks
DOI: 10.3354/esr01226

Alistair D.M. Dove, Simon J. Pierce2022
Whale Sharks Biology, Ecology, and Conservation
CRC Press ISBN: 978-1-03-204940-3

Freya C. Womersley, Nicolas E. Humphries, Nuno Queiroz ... +65 Authors ... and David W. Sims 2022
Global collision-risk hotspots of marine traffic and the world’s largest fish, the whale shark
PNAS 119 (20) e2117440119
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2117440119

Christoph A. Rohner1, Stephanie K. Venables, Jesse E. M. Cochran, Clare E. M. Prebble, Baraka L. Kuguru, Michael L. Berumen, Simon J. Pierce2022
The need for long-term population monitoring of the world’s largest fish
DOI: 10.3354/esr01177

Samantha D. Reynolds, Bradley M. Norman, Craig E. Franklin, Steffen S. Bach, Francesco G. Comezzi, Stella Diamant, Mohammed Y. Jaidah, Simon J. Pierce, Anthony J. Richardson, David P. Robinson, Christoph A. Rohner, Ross G. Dwyer2022
Regional variation in anthropogenic threats to Indian Ocean whale sharks
Global Ecology and Conservation 33 (2022) e01961
DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01961

Royale S. Hardenstine, Song He, Jesse E. M. Cochran, Camrin D. Braun, Edgar Fernando Cagua, Simon J. Pierce, Clare E. M. Prebble, Christoph A. Rohner, Pablo Saenz-Agudelo, Tane H. Sinclair-Taylor, Gregory B. Skomal, Simon R. Thorrold, Alexandra M. Watts, Casey J. Zakroff, Michael L. Berumen2022
Pieces in a global puzzle: Population genetics at two whale shark aggregations in the western Indian Ocean
Ecology and Evolution Volume 12, Issue 3
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.8492

Christoph A. Rohner, Jesse E. M. Cochran, E. Fernando Cagua, Clare E. M. Prebble, Stephanie K. Venables, Michael L. Berumen, Baraka L. Kuguru, Jason Rubens, Juerg M. Brunnschweiler and Simon J. Pierce2020
No Place Like Home? High Residency and Predictable Seasonal Movement of Whale Sharks Off Tanzania
Frontiers in Marine Science Vol. 7, 442
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00423

Queiroz, N., Humphries, N.E., Couto, A. et al.2019
Global spatial risk assessment of sharks under the footprint of fisheries.
Nature 572, 461–466 (2019)
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1444-4

Gonzalo Araujo, Christoph A. Rohner, Jessica Labaja, Segundo J. Conales, Sally J. Snow, Ryan Murray, Simon J. Pierce and Alessandro Ponzo2018
Satellite tracking of juvenile whale sharks in the Sulu and Bohol Seas, Philippines
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.5231

Christoph A. Rohner, Anthony J. Richardson, Fabrice R. A. Jaine, Michael B. Bennett, Scarla J. Weeks, Geremy Cliff, David P. Robinson, Katie E. Reeve-Arnold and Simon J. Pierce2018
Satellite tagging highlights the importance of productive Mozambican coastal waters to the ecology and conservation of whale sharks
PeerJ 6:e4161
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4161

David P. Robinson , Mohammed Y. Jaidah, Steffen S. Bach, Christoph A. Rohner, Rima W. Jabado, Rupert Ormond, Simon J. Pierce2017
Some like it hot: Repeat migration and residency of whale sharks within an extreme natural environment
PLoS ONE 12(9): e0185360
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0185360

Mark Meekan, Christopher M. Austin, Mun H. Tan, Nu-Wei V. Wei, Adam Miller, Simon J. Pierce, David Rowat, Guy Stevens, Tim K. Davies, Alessandro Ponzo and Han Ming Gan2017
iDNA at Sea: Recovery of Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus) Mitochondrial DNA Sequences from the Whale Shark Copepod (Pandarus rhincodonicus) Confirms Global Population Structure
Frontiers in Marine Science Vol. 4, Article 420
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00420

Dení Ramírez-Macías, Nuno Queiroz, Simon J. Pierce, Nicolas E. Humphries, David W. Sims and Juerg M. Brunnschweiler2017
Oceanic adults, coastal juveniles: tracking the habitat use of whale sharks off the Pacific coast of Mexico.
PeerJ 5:e3271
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3271

McKinney JA, Hoffmayer ER, Holmberg J, Graham RT, Driggers WB III, de la Parra-Venegas R, Galván-Pastoriza BE, Fox S, Pierce SJ, Dove ADM2017
Long-term assessment of whale shark population demography and connectivity using photo-identification in the Western Atlantic Ocean.
PLoS ONE 12(8): e0180495
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0180495

Christoph A. Rohner, Anthony J. Richardson, Clare E.M. Prebble, Andrea D. Marshall, Michael B. Bennett, Scarla J.Weeks, Geremy Cliff, Sabine P.Wintner and Simon J. Pierce2015
Laser photogrammetry improves size and demographic estimates for whale sharks.
PeerJ 3:e886
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.886

Cagua EF, Cochran JEM, Rohner CA, Prebble CEM, Sinclair-Taylor TH, Pierce SJ, Berumen ML.2015
Acoustic telemetry reveals cryptic residency of whale sharks.
Biol. Lett. 11: 20150092.
DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2015.0092

Thomas M. Vignaud, Jeffrey A. Maynard, Raphael Leblois, Mark G. Meekan, Ricardo Vázquez-Juárez, Dení Ramírez-Macías, Simon J. Pierce, David Rowat, Michael L. Berumen, Champak Beeravolu, Sandra Baksay and Serge Planes2014
Genetic structure of populations of whale sharks among ocean basins and evidence for their historic rise and recent decline
Molecular Ecology (2014) 23, 2590-2601
DOI: 10.1111/mec.12754

Christoph A. Rohner, Lydie I. E. Couturier, Anthony J. Richardson, Simon J. Pierce, Clare E. M. Prebble, Mark J. Gibbons, Peter D. Nichols2013
Diet of whale sharks Rhincodon typus inferred from stomach content and signature fatty acid analyses
DOI: 10.3354/meps10500

S. Fox, I. Foisy, R. De La Parra Venegas, B. E. Galvan Pastoriza, R. T. Graham, E. R. Hoffmayer, J. Holmberg and S. J. Pierce2013
Population structure and residency of whale sharks Rhincodon typus at Utila, Bay Islands, Honduras
Journal of Fish Biology
DOI: 10.1111/jfb.12195

C. A. Rohner, S. J. Pierce, A. D. Marshall, S. J. Weeks, M. B. Bennett, A. J. Richardson2013
Trends in sightings and environmental influences on a coastal aggregation of manta rays and whale sharks
DOI: 10.3354/meps10290

David P. Robinson, Mohammed Y. Jaidah, Rima W. Jabado, Katie Lee-Brooks, Nehad M. Nour El-Din, Ameena A. Al Malki, Khaled Elmeer, Paul A. McCormick, Aaron C. Henderson, Simon J. Pierce, Rupert F. G. Ormond2013
Whale Sharks, Rhincodon typus,Aggregate around Offshore Platforms in Qatari Waters of the Arabian Gulf to Feed on Fish Spawn
PLOS ONE ( March 2013, Vol 8, Issue 3 | e58255
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0058255

Juerg M. Brunnschweiler and David W. Sims2011
Diel Oscillations in Whale Shark Vertical Movements Associated with Meso- and Bathypelagic Diving
American Fisheries Society Symposium 76, 2011

N. E. Humphries, N. Queiroz, J. R. M. Dyer, N. G. Pade, M. K. Musyl, K. M. Schaefer, D. W. Fuller, J. M. Brunnschweiler, T. K. Doyle, J. D. R. Houghton, G. C. Hays, C. S. Jones, L. R. Noble, V. J. Wearmouth, E. J. Southall & D. W. Sims2010
Environmental context explains Lévy and Brownian movement patterns of marine predators
DOI: 10.1038/nature09116

Brunnschweiler J.M., Baensch H., Pierce S.J., Sims D.W.2009
Deep-diving behaviour of a whale shark Rhincodon typus during long-distance movement in the western Indian Ocean
Journal of Fish Biology 74: 706-714

Migrations of Large Coastal Sharks along Florida and the Bahamas (6)

van Zinnicq Bergmann, M. P. M., Griffin, L. P., Bodey, T. W., Guttridge, T. L., Aarts, G., Heithaus, M. R., Smukall, M. J., & Papastamatiou, Y. P.2024
Intraguild processes drive space-use patterns in a large-bodied marine predator community
Journal of Animal Ecology 2024, 00:1–15
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.14108

Maurits P.M. van Zinnicq Bergmann, Tristan L. Guttridge, Matthew J. Smukall, Vanessa M. Adams, Mark E. Bond, Patrick J. Burke, Mariana M.P.B. Fuentes, Dennis D. U. Heinrich, Charlie Huveneers, Samuel H. Gruber, Yannis P. Papastamatiou2022
Using movement models and systematic conservation planning to inform marine protected area design for a multi-species predator community
Biological Conservation 266 (2022) 109469
DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2022.109469

Smukall, M.J., Seitz, A.C., Dhellemmes, F., van Zinnicq Bergmann, M.P.M., Heim, V., Gruber, S.H., Guttridge, T.L.2022
Residency, Site Fidelity, and Regional Movement of Tiger Sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) at a Pupping Location in the Bahamas.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 10017.
DOI: 10.3390/su141610017

J.L. Brooks, J.M. Chapman, A.N. Barkley, S.T. Kessel, N.E. Hussey, S.G. Hinch, D.A. Patterson, K.J. Hedges, S.J. Cooke, A.T. Fisk, S.H. Gruber and V.M. Nguyen2019
Biotelemetry informing management: case studies exploring successful integration of biotelemetry data into fisheries and habitat management
Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 76:07:00
DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2017-0530

Alexander C. Hansell, Steven T. Kessel, Lauran R. Brewster, Steven X. Cadrin, Samuel H. Gruber, Gregory B. Skomal, Tristan L. Guttridge2018
Local indicators of abundance and demographics for the coastal shark assemblage of Bimini, Bahamas
Fisheries Research 197 (2018) 34–44
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2017.09.016

Guttridge Tristan L., Van Zinnicq Bergmann Maurits P. M., Bolte Chris, Howey Lucy A., Finger Jean S., Kessel Steven T., Brooks Jill L., Winram William, Bond Mark E., Jordan Lance K. B., Cashman Rachael C., Tolentino Emily R., Grubbs R. Dean, Gruber Samuel H.2017
Philopatry and Regional Connectivity of the Great Hammerhead Shark, Sphyrna mokarran in the U.S. and Bahamas
Frontiers in Marine Science 4 2017
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00003

Sixgill sharks in the Mediterranean (1)

Ignasi Nueza, Ioannis Giovosc, Francesco Tiralongof, Jaime Penadés-Suayi, Ilija Cetkovic, Manfredi Di Lorenzo, Periklis Kleitou, Rigers Bakiu, Mohamed Nejmeddine Bradai, Sara A.A. Almabruk, Roxani Naasan Aga Spyridopoulou, Andréa Sabbio, Manel Gazo2023
Assessing the current status of Hexanchus griseus in the Mediterranean Sea using local ecological knowledge
Marine Policy 147, 105378
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105378

White Sharks (1)

Bryan R. Franks, John P. Tyminski, Nigel E. Hussey, Camrin D. Braun, Alisa L. Newton, Simon R. Thorrold, George C. Fischer, Brett McBride and Robert E. Hueter2021
Spatio-Temporal Variability in White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias). Movement Ecology During Residency and Migration Phases in the Western North Atlantic
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 2021
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.744202

Shark Trade Greece (7)

Ioannis Giovos, Jennifer M. Pytka, Monica Barone, Lydia Koehler, Camille Loth, Jason Lowther, Dimitrios K. Moutopoulos, Simone Niedermüller, Carlotta Mazzoldi2024
Conservation and management of chondrichthyans in the Mediterranean Sea: gaps, overlaps, inconsistencies, and the way forward
Rev Fish Biol Fisheries 04.07.24
DOI: 10.1007/s11160-024-09857-z

Ioannis Giovos, Maria Violetta Brundo, Nikolaos Doumpas, Zoi Kazlari, Dimitrios Loukovitis, Dimitrios K. Moutopoulos, Roxani Naasan Aga Spyridopoulou, Athina Papadopoulou, Maria Papapetrou, Francesco Tiralongo, Margherita Ferrante, Chiara Copat2022
Trace elements in edible tissues of elasmobranchs from the North Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean) and potential risks from consumption
Marine Pollution Bulletin 184, 114129
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114129

Dimitrios K. Moutopoulos, Evridiki Lazari, George Katselis and Ioannis Giovos2022
From Extermination to Conservation: Historical Records of Shark Presence during the Early and Development Phase of the Greek Fishery
Animals 12, 3575
DOI: 10.3390/ani12243575

Ioannis Giovos, Roxani Naasan Aga-Spyridopoulou, Fabrizio Serena, Alen Soldo, Adi Barash, Nikolaos Doumpas, Georgios A. Gkafas, Dimitra Katsada, George Katselis, Periklis Kleitou, Vasileios Minasidis, Yannis P. Papastamatiou, Eleana Touloupaki and Dimitrios K. Moutopoulo2022
An Updated Greek National Checklist of Chondrichthyans
Fishes 2022 7 199
DOI: 10.3390/fishes7040199

I. Giovos, R.N.Aga Spyridopoulou, N. Doumpas, K. Glaus, P. Kleitou, Z. Kazlari, D. Katsada, D. Loukovitis, I. Mantzouni, M. Papapetrou, D. K. Moutopoulos2021
Approaching the “real” state of elasmobranch fisheries and trade: A case study from the Mediterranean
Ocean & Coastal Management Volume 211, 1 October 2021, 105743
DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2021.105743

Ioannis Giovos, Marco Arculeo, Nikolaos Doumpas, Dimitra Katsada, Mary Maximiadia, Еleni Mitsou, Vangelis Paravas, Roxani Naasan Aga-Spyridopoulou, Vasilis-Orestis Stoilas, Francesco Tiralongo, Ioannis Е. Tsamadias, Luca Vecchioni, Dimitrios K. Moutopoulos2020
Assessing multiple sources of data to detect illegal fishing, trade and mislabelling of elasmobranchs in Greek markets
Marine Policy Volume 112, February 2020, 103730
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2019.103730

Queiroz, N., Humphries, N.E., Couto, A. et al.2019
Global spatial risk assessment of sharks under the footprint of fisheries
Nature 572, 461–466 (2019)
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1444-4

Artisanal Fisheries in Ghana (4)

Issah Seidu, Lawrence K. Brobbey, Osei-Tutu Paul, David van Beuningen, Moro Seidu, Nicholas K. Dulvy2024
Practices and informal institutions governing artisanal gillnet fisheries in Western Ghana
Maritime Studies (2024) 23:32
DOI: 10.1007/s40152-024-00379-9

Issah Seidu, Lawrence K. Brobbey, Emmanuel Danquah, Samuel K. Oppong, David van Beuningen and Nicholas K. Dulvy 2022
Local Ecological Knowledge, Catch Characteristics, and Evidence of Elasmobranch Depletions in Western Ghana Artisanal Fisheries
Human Ecology 50, 1007–1022
DOI: 10.1007/s10745-022-00371-z

Issah Seidu, David van Beuningen, Lawrence K. Brobbey, Emmanuel Danquah, Samuel K. Oppong, Bernard Séret2022
Species composition, seasonality and biological characteristics of Western Ghana’s elasmobranch fishery
Regional Studies in Marine Science 52 (2022) 102338
DOI: 10.1016/j.rsma.2022.102338

Issah Seidu, Lawrence K. Brobbey, Emmanuel Danquah, Samuel K. Oppong, David van Beuningen, Moro Seidu, Nicholas K. Dulvy2022
Fishing for survival: Importance of shark fisheries for the livelihoods of coastal communities in Western Ghana
Fisheries Research 246 (2022) 106157
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2021.106157

Shark Nurseries (2)

Steiner, PA, Michel, M, O'Donnell, PM2007
Notes on the Occurrence and Distribution of Elasmobranchs in the Ten Thousand Islands Estuary, Florida.
in C.T. McCandless, N.E. Kohler and H.L. Pratt, Jr. (editors): Shark nursery grounds of the Gulf of Mexico and the east coast waters of the United States

American Fisheries Society Symposium 50, Bethesda, Maryland

Steiner, PA, Michel, M, O'Donnell, PM2007
Poster on the Occurrence and Distribution of Elasmobranchs in the Ten Thousand Islands Estuary, Florida
American Fisheries Society Symposium 50, Bethesda, Maryland

Fiji Bull Sharks (12)

J. M. Brunnschweiler, N. D. Marosi and K. Glaus2024
Connecting the dots: tracking bull sharks from a provisioning site into the species' river parturition sites in Fiji.
Pacific Conservation Biology 30, PC24044
DOI: 10.1071/PC24044

Glaus KBJ, Appleyard SA, Stockwell B, Brunnschweiler JM, Shivji M, Clua E, Marie AD and Rico C2020
Insights Into Insular Isolation of the Bull Shark, Carcharhinus leucas (Müller and Henle, 1839), in Fijian Waters.
Frontiers in Marine Science 7:586015
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.586015

Kerstin B. J. Glaus, Juerg M. Brunnschweiler, Susanna Piovano, Gauthier Mescam, Franziska Genter, Pascal Fluekiger, Ciro Rico2019
Essential waters: Young bull sharks in Fiji’s largest riverine system
Ecology and Evolution 2019 00:1–12.
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5304

Kerstin B. J. Glaus, Irene Adrian-Kalchhauser, Patricia Burkhardt-Holm, William T. White & Juerg M. Brunnschweiler2015
Characteristics of the shark fisheries of Fiji
Sci Rep 5 17556 (2015)
DOI: 10.1038/srep17556

Juerg M. Brunnschweiler, Adam Barnett2013
Opportunistic Visitors: Long-Term Behavioural Response of Bull Sharks to Food Provisioning in Fiji
PLoS ONE 8(3): e58522
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0058522

C. Testerman, J. Brunnschweiler, M. Heithaus, S. Gulak, J. Werry, R. Jabado, C. Jones and M. Shivji2012
Global Population Genetic Structure and Parentage Analysis of the Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas)
AES Conference 2012 Poster

Brunnschweiler J. M., Harld Baensch2010
Seasonal and Long-Term Changes in Relative Abundance of Bull Sharks from a Tourist Shark Feeding Site in Fiji
PLoS ONE 6(1): e16597
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0016597

Brunnschweiler J. M., N. Queiroz and W. Sims2010
Oceans apart? Short-term movements and behaviour of adult bull sharks Carcharhinus leucas in Atlantic and Pacific Oceans determined from pop-off satellite archival tagging
Journal of Fish Biology
DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2010.02757.x

Brunnschweiler J. M.2009
Tracking free-ranging sharks with hand-fed intra-gastric acoustic transmitters
Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology (2009) Vol. 42, No. 3, May 2009, 201-209

Brunnschweiler J. M.2008
Species record and mistaken identifications: the case of bull sharks at Chumphon Pinnacle, Thailand.
JMBA2 - Biodiversity Records published online

Brunnschweiler J. M., Compagno L.J.V.2007
First record of Carcharhinus leucas from Tonga, South Pacific.
JMBA2 - Biodiversity Records published online

Juerg M. Brunnschweiler & John L. Earle2006
A contribution to marine life conservation efforts in the South Pacific: The Shark Reef Marine Reserve, Fiji
Cybium 30(4) suppl.: 133-139

Fiji Shark Protection Zone (6)

C. A. Ward-Paige, H. Sykes, G. J. Osgood and J. Brunnschweiler2022
Community-driven shark monitoring for informed decision making: a case study from Fiji
Pacific Conservation Biology
DOI: 10.1071/PC22009

C. A. Ward-Paige, J. Brunnschweiler and H. Sykes2020
Tourism-driven ocean science for sustainable use: A case study of sharks in Fiji
bioRxiv 2020.02.04.932236
DOI: 10.1101/2020.02.04.932236

Brunnschweiler J. M.2009
The Shark Reef Marine Reserve: a marine tourism project in Fiji involving local communities
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 99999:1

Brunnschweiler J.M.2008
An integrated approach to study bull shark behaviour and ecology in the South Pacific: The Bull Shark Tagging Programme.
12th annual meeting of the European Elasmobranch Association Lisbon

Brunnschweiler J.M., Earle, J.L.2006
A contribution to marine life conservation efforts in the South Pacific: The Shark Reef Marine Reserve, Fiji
Cybium 30 (Supplement): 133-139

Brunnschweiler J.M., Sazima I.2006
A new and unexpected host for the sharksucker (Echeneis naucrates) with a brief review of the echeneid-host interactions.
JMBA2 - Biodiversity Records published online

Angel Sharks along the Canary Islands (5)

Cristín K. Fitzpatrick, Kimberly A. Finnegan, Filip Osaer, Krupskaya Narváez and Mahmood S. Shivji2017
The complete mitochondrial genome of the Critically Endangered Angelshark, Squatina squatina
DOI: 10.1080/23802359.2017.1310609

Krupskaya Narvaez, Filip Osaer2016
The marine leech Stibarobdella macrothela parasitic on the angel shark Squatina squatina
Marine Biodiversity
DOI: 10.1007/s12526-016-0444-y

Krupskaya Narvaez, Filip Osaer2015
The angel shark Squatina squatina prey of the isopod Aegapheles deshaysiana
Marine Biodiversity Volume 46, Issue 1
DOI: 10.1007/s12526-015-0358-0

Filip Osaer, Krupskaya Narvaez, Jose G. Pajuelo and Jose M. Lorenzo2015
Sexual development and maturity scale for the angel shark Squatina squatina (Elasmobranchii: Squatinidae), with comments on the adequacy of general maturity scales
SEDAO 1:117-132
DOI: 10.3354/sedao00012

Filip Osaer, Krupskaya Narvaez2008
Poster: Analysis of stomach content of angel sharks in the Canary Islands
15. Syposium marinebiological research, Spain

Sawsharks (3)

Mariano Cabanillas-Torpoco, Kerstin Forsberg, Rigoberto Rosas-Luis, María G. Bustamante Rosell, Claudia Ampuero-Portocarrero, Ángela Hernando, Gonzalo Panizo, Ruth H. Leeney2023
Status of the largetooth sawfish in Ecuador and Peru, and use of rostral teeth in cockfighting
DOI: 10.3354/esr01279

Ruth H. Leeney, Eric Quayson2022
Short note: An assessment of the status of sawfishes and of guitarfish landings in artisanal fisheries in Ghana
Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst. 2022 1–8.
DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3824

Ruth H. Leeney2017
Are sawfishes still present in Mozambique? A baseline ecological study
PeerJ 5:e2950
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.2950

Basking Shark Project (2)

Matthew J. Witt, Tom Hardy, Louise Johnson, Catherine M. McClellan, Stephen K. Pikesley, Sue Ranger, Peter B. Richardson, Jean-Luc Solandt, Colin Speedie, Ruth Williams and Brendan J. Godley2012
Basking sharks in the northeast Atlantic: spatio-temporal trends from sightings in UK waters
Marine Ecology Progress Series Vol. 459: 121-134, 2012
DOI: 10.3354/meps09737

E.J. Southall, D.W. Sims, J.D. Metcalfe, J.I. Doyle, S. Fanshawe, C. Lacey, J. Shrimpton, J.-L. Solandt and C.D. Speedie2005
Spatial distribution patterns of basking sharks on the European shelf: preliminary comparison of satellite-tag geolocation, survey and public sightings data.
J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 85, 1083-1088

Lemon Sharks Jupiter (FL) / Bahamas (4)

J. Baeyaert, F. Dhellemmes, K. Erzini, S. H Gruber and T. L. Guttridge2016
Wild Spatial Behaviour & Personality Traits: A comparison study for juvenile lemon sharks
Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit. 41, 2016

Steven Thomas Kessel, Nigel Edward Hussey, Dale Mitchell Webber, Samuel Harvey Gruber, Joy Michelle Young, Malcolm John Smale and Aaron Thomas Fisk2015
Close proximity detection interference with acoustic telemetry: the importance of considering tag power output in low ambient noise environments
Animal Biotelemetry 03:05
DOI: 10.1186/s40317-015-0023-1

Eric A. Reyier, Bryan R. Franks, Demian D. Chapman, Douglas M. Scheidt, Eric D. Stolen, Samuel H. Gruber2014
Regional-Scale Migrations and Habitat Use of Juvenile Lemon Sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) in the US South Atlantic
PLoS ONE 9(2): e88470
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088470

Kessel S. T., Chapman D. D., Franks B. R., Gedamke T., Gruber S. H., Newman J. M., White E. R. and Perkins R. G.2014
Predictable temperature regulated residency, movement and migration in a large, highly-mobile marine predator
Marine Ecology Progress Series 514:175-190 November 2014
DOI: 10.3354/meps10966

Thermoregulation of Nurse Sharks (1)

Harold L. Pratt Jr, Theo C. Pratt, Danielle Morley, Susan Lowerre-Barbieri, Angela Collins, Jeffrey C. Carrier, Kristen M. Hart and Nicholas M. Whitney2018
Partial migration of the nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum (Bonnaterre), from the Dry Tortugas Islands
Environmental Biology of Fishes
DOI: 10.1007/s10641-017-0711-1

Capture and Handling Stress (4)

Michael W. Hyatt, Paul A. Anderson and Patrick M. O’Donnell2018
Influence of Temperature, Salinity, and Dissolved Oxygen on the Stress Response of Bull (Carcharhinus leucas) and Bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo) Sharks after Capture and Handling
Journal of Coastal Research
DOI: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-17-00118.1

Michael W. Hyatt, Paul A. Anderson and Patrick M. O’Donnell2016
Behavioral Release Condition Score of Bull and Bonnethead Sharks as a Coarse Indicator of Stress
Journal of Coastal Research
DOI: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-15-00108.1

Hyatt, M., Anderson, P., O'Donnell, P. 2013
After Capture and Handling, Behavioral Assessment of Bull (Carcharhinus leucas) and Bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo) Sharks at Release is a Poor Indicator of Physiological Stress
38th Annual Eastern Fish Health Workshop Gettysburg, PA.

Michael W. Hyatt, Paul A. Anderson, Patrick M. O'Donnell, Ilze K. Berzins2012
Assessment of acid-base derangements among bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo), bull (Carcharhinus leucas), and lemon (Negaprion brevirostris) sharks from gillnet and longline capture and handling methods
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A

Catch and Release Effects (2)

A. J. Gallagher, P. M. Kyne and N. Hammerschlag2012
Ecological risk assessment and its application to elasmobranch conservation and management
Journal of Fish Biology 1095-8649.2012

Neil Hammerschlag and James Sulikowski2011
Killing for conservation: the need for alternatives to lethal sampling of apex predatory sharks
Endangered Species Research Vol. 14: 135-140, 2011

Molecular Identification and Analyses (15)

D. Pinhal, M. S. Shivji, M. Vallinoto, D. D. Chapman, O. B. F. Gadig and C. Martins2012
Cryptic hammerhead shark lineage occurrence in the western South Atlantic revealed by DNA analysis
Marine Biology 159:829-836 (2012)

D. D. Chapman, D. Pinhal, M. S. Shivji2009
Tracking the fin trade: genetic stock identification in western Atlantic scalloped hammerhead sharks Sphyrna lewini
Endangered Species Research Vol. 9: 221 - 228

D. D. Chapman, B. Fichau and M. S. Shivji2008
Parthenogenesis in a large-bodied requiem shark, the blacktip Carcharhinus limbatus
Journal of Fish Biology 73, 1473-1477

H. Sebastian, P. A. Haye and M. S. Shivji2008
Characterization of the pelagic shark-fin trade in north-central Chile by genetic identification and trader surveys
Journal of Fish Biology 73, 2293-2304

J. E. Magnussen, E. K. Pikitch, S. C. Clarke, C. Nicholson, A. R. Hoelzel & M. S. Shivji2007
Genetic tracking of basking shark products in international trade
Animal Conservation 10 199-207

Shelley C. Clarke, Murdoch K. McAllister, E. J. Milner-Gulland, G. P. Kirkwood, Catherine G. J. Michielsens, David J. Agnew, Ellen K. Pikitch, Hideki Nakano and Mahmood S. Shivji2006
Global estimates of shark catches using trade records from commercial markets
Ecology Letters 9: 1115-1126

Shelley C. Clarke, Jennifer E. Magnussen, Debra L. Abercombie, Murdoch K. McAlister and Mahmood S. Shivji2005
Identification of Shark Species Composition and Proportion in the Hong Kong Shark Fin Market Based on Molecular Genetics and Trade Records
Conservation Biology Volume 20, No. 1, 201-211

Debra L. Abercombie, Shelley C. Clarke Mahmood S. Shivji2005
Global-scale genetic identification of hammerhead sharks: Application to assessment of the international fin trade and law enforcement
Conservation Genetics 6:775-788

Mahmood S. Shivji, Demian D. Chapman, Ellen K. Pikitch & Paul W. Raymond2005
Genetic profiling reveals illegal international trade in fins of the great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias
Conservation Genetics 6:1035-1039

Chapman, D.D., P.A. Prodohl, J. Gelsleichter, C.A. Manire and M.S. Shivji2004
Predominance of genetic monogamy by females in a hammerhead shark, Sphyrna tiburo: Implications for shark conservation
Molecular Ecology 13: 1965-1974

C. J. Douady, M. Dosay, M. S. Shivji, and M. J. Stanhope2003
Molecular phylogenetic evidence refuting the hypothesis of Batoidea (rays and skates) as derived sharks
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 26: 215-221

Pank, M., L. Natanson, N. Kohler, M. Stanhope and M. Shivji2003
Rapid species identification of pelagic shark tissues using genetic approaches
In: Sharks of the Open Ocean E. Pikitch & M. Camhi (Eds.). Blackwell Science Inc.

Demian D. Chapman, Debra L. Abercombie, Christophe J. Douady, Ellen K. Pikich, Michael J. Stanhope and Mahmood S. Shivji2003
A streamlined, bi-organelle, multiplex PCR approach to species identification: Application to global conservation and trade monitoring of the greatwhite shark, Carcharodon carcharias
Conservation Genetics 4: 415-425

M. Shivji, S. Clarke, M. Pank, L. Natanson, N. Kohler and M. Stanhope2002
Genetic Identification of Pelagic Shark Body Parts for Conservation and Trade-Monitoring
Conservation Biology 16(4):1036-1047

M. Pank, M. Stanhope, L. Natanson, N. Kohler and M. Shivji2001
Rapid and simultaneous identification of body parts from the morphologically similar sharks Carcharhinus obscurus and Carcharhinus plumbeus (Carcharhinidae) using multiplex PCR.
Marine Biotechnology 3:231-240

Behavior (1)

Ritter, Erich K. and Godknecht, Alexander J.2000
Agonistic displays in the Blacktip Shark (Carcharhinus limbatus)
Copeia February 1, 2000. 282-284

Masters thesis on Shovelnose Hammerheads in the Gulf of Mexico (1)

Markus Ruch2001
Einfluss biogeographischer Veränderungen im Golf von Mexiko auf molekulare Populationsstrukturen beim Schaufelnasen-Hammerhai Sphyrna tiburo
Diplomarbeit am Zoologischen Museum der Universität Zürich

Books (4)

Seamonsters tale
Man And Shark
Hong Kong Project:
Man & Shark: Paul Hilton and Alex Hofford, Hong Kong, in English and Mandarin.
Whale Sharks
Haie Die perfekten Jäger
Gregor Forster:
Haie Die perfekten Jäger (German)

Support the Shark Foundation in its work to protect sharks.