Makos, wedgefish (ray family), and giant guitarfishes are now listed under CITES thanks to the support of more than 100 countries
Geneva, Switzerland. August 28, 2019. Conservation groups are praising today’s confirmation that all species of wedge fish, giant guitarfish, and mako sharks will be added to Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). The listings mandate that countries track exports as well as high-seas catch, and can monitor and prove that internationally traded products from these species stem from legal sustainable fisheries.
Shortfin makos, exceptionally valuable and vulnerable oceanic sharks, are at risk from targeted and incidental fishing driven by the demand for meat and fins. A lack of catch limits is leading to overfishing and to a worldwide decreasing trend in populations. Both the shortfin mako and the rarer longfin mako shark are classified as endangered on the IUCN Red List.
Source: Shark Trust